Jesus instituted the seven sacraments to draw us close to His heart, to nourish and heal us in our spiritual journeys, and to properly equip us to do His good work on earth. Jesus knew the struggles, temptations, and potentials falls that would await each of us, so He gave us the gift of the sacraments as a strategic, spiritual source of grace to help us reach our destination – heaven and eternal life – safely and assuredly. The sacraments are God’s powerful presence all around us, touching all the stages and important moments of Catholic life. They give us a share in the divine life and help us to grow in holiness.
The seven sacraments are intimate encounters with the living Christ;
a comforting reminder that we perpetually loved and NEVER alone.
The sacraments are not just something you can learn from a book – they are something to experience. They are ALIVE. They have the power to transform us completely and accomplish the unimaginable in our world!
It is in this spirit of hope that we have chosen the 2020-21 Parish Religious Education Theme:
Each month of the school year, we will focus on a particular Sacrament and
ask the Holy Spirit to inspire us into ACTION.
September: Matrimony
October: Holy Orders
November: Anointing of the Sick
December: Focus on the Birth of Jesus
January: Baptism
February: Reconciliation
March: Eucharist
April: Confirmation
1st Grade PREP students at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church made Easter baskets at their Family Night. The baskets were delivered to the Rose Garden Home Mission in Covington.