Rite of
Initiation of
Adults is the way people become initiated into the Christian way of life, specifically in the Roman Catholic tradition. It is a journey of discovery, where participants come to know Jesus Christ. It is a process of awakening to what it means to be a Catholic Christian. It is an opportunity to explore the Catholic faith. It is a period of discernment to help each individual freely decide if the Catholic Church can be the place to call home. The RCIA is a focused experience of the ever-deepening journey into the life of faith, which is the task of a lifetime.
RCIA is for adults who have never been baptized, those who have been baptized in another Christian denomination, and even those baptized as a Catholic who were unable to continuing learning about the faith. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC) is the program of faith journey designed for children, ages 8+. Children participate in the Parish Religious Education Program September through January, when RCIC begins.
Sessions begin Thursday, September 3, 7 PM.
Deacon Greg, 689-5010 ext. 223. More information and registration form can be found on the IHM website (